Children & Families

Our families and children day is an adaption of our travel photography session where we go "on assignment" to produce a photo story about the surrounding area. The day starts with a brief look at how to get better results from phone, tablet and compact cameras. The emphasis though, is much more on the creative aspects of photography, and also thinking more journalistically about what to take pictures of


For the parents who are interested, as part of the day, we can break off and get the kids to pose so we can show you how to take better pictures of your children in natural surroundings, using either your phone, your own camera or one that we can lend you.


There is no hard and fast minimum age, but 10 years old is a guideline. Sessions are either 4 or 6 hours (starting at 10am). The idea being that the parents take pictures themselves, but also work with their kids to help them with the things discussed in the classroom before we venture forth.